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Memorial to Dr. Scott Lawrence Mader.
Memorial to Dr. Scott Lawrence Mader.
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Dr. Scott Lawrence Mader aka Scotty, Scottie Dog, Herr Flueger, Herr Doctor)
Scott and Maureen
Herr flueger
There's something about high fashion that tends to draw buddies closer together!
Herr Doctor
The member/pledge football game at the SAE house at Willamette U 1973
Scott lauging inside at some ridiculous comment. He was so patient with others!
What does that "W" stand for?
Submitted by Paul D. The guys out on the Rogue!
Mader doing his thing, Wallowas 08
Mader at work again, Wallowas 08
The good life, Summer 08
Wallowas 08 with B
Family Campout, Honeyman 08
Walt, Bob and Scott preparing for yet another adventure
Adventurers all!
I suspect the conversation was about knot tying... and Bob was having none of it!
Scott looking after Walt... yet again :-)
Handsome Bunch
Some people say it is all about the man... I say it is all about the outfit! Let's ask Erin.
The top of Table Mountain
Classic Scott Mader
He so loved the Oregon outdoors
Every step was an adventure for Scott. We should all live our lives so fully.
First verified photos of Big Foot caught on film
The fishing gnome
The vision only gets better with age
A return to the car... and the promise of cold beer!
Scott working patiently with his gear
The Snow Shoe Duo
Give me just one moment to get adjusted... there we go, let's go fishin'
The master with his trusty rod
Will lunch ever be ready?
Mend, mend that line!
No need really for Mo to know about this cigar
That is quite a pole you have Scott
All in a day's fishin'
If the fish won't bite... I'll simply take a nap. What could be better?
Buddies thru and thru
Above Silcox Hut in a white out. Great fun :-)
Silcox Hut Outing
Handsome Crew, Wallowas 10
Scott Summiting Mt. Hood for His 50th birthday
Summiting Mt. Hood
Welchy and Friend
The famous Scott Mader pose!
Maureen and Scott.
Scott at Backyard Barbecue
Scott Lawrence Mader, Man of all Seasons
Scott w/ Ski Buddies - February 2013
Scott & Ski Buddy Jim - February 2013
Scott, Terrill & some of the guys - February 2013
Beyond his family, in Scott's world, the only thing better than skiing... was eating!
Scott Mader (#225) with Mactacular Ski Team
Scott Mader, Indian Guide Leader
Scott and Mary Gilmore
Scott on Deer Valley ski trip
Scott Mader and Terrill Collier
Scott Mader and Friend
Scott cleaning up Steve Zimmer ski injury, Steve LaCesca behind
It wasn't that long ago...
Mader Christmas~the early years!
Mader Christmas~the early years!
Scott and Ted -- November in Cleveland 2012
Pamelia Lake 2008
Maderhein Duo
Pre Concert Warmup
Portland's finest MD's
Oh the memories
Back Seat Driver
B-dog's Confirmation
An awesome and EXTREMELY patient accordion teacher!!!!
I can smell the sour dough pancakes from here
A fun greek wedding
Life is good
Scott successfully convinced Mo snow is better than sun
Note the Angel looking out for Maureen
2001 Indian Guides
Only great friends will wear a party hat!
Never miss a chance to play music!
A great friend for life!
Dancing at Erin's graduation!
Here we go again.... Mt. Rainier 09
Even mosquitoes could not stop Scott!
Scott with Zoé the Snow Dog
Scott Hiking in Tirol Austria
Croagh Patrick
Scott practicing Hunting
More hunting
Rick McClain and Scott at Mt. Hood
Scott with Brian at a Ski Race
Scott Snowshoeing with Eddie
Father Daughter Backpacking at Pamelia
Scott's taking a nap standing up...a skill he no doubt used/needed in residency!
Luigi and Maestro - Visit YouTube to see the movie! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwikb2dQ1-M
“Scott and Greg – Stars of the new Mario Bros Movie”
1973 Willamette University Freshman
Scott golfing
Scott leading Freshman Glee 1975
Group Photo after golf
Scott, with his SAE brothers - always the attentive listener
Knot-tying Clinic Ft. Stevens 2012
Scott woodworking at Ft. Clatsop 2012
Scott, Brian, Maureen and Hope at Ft. Stevens 2012
Scott in charge - Feb 1999
Scott and Maureen at Fort Stevens 2012
Scott the babysitter (note the rearview mirror for cycling still attached to glasses) with Hope 1999
Do you mind if I dance with your date?
Senior Year
Scott's Wedding - Bob, Scott, & Ned
Scott with Ned's Dog - 1981
Scott with his arm around Ned's girlfriend!!
Scott, Moe, & Howard at the Farm - 1987
Scott with Ned's Mother "Big Ned... your mother loves me more than she loves you"
Lobster Night in Cleveland - 1979
Ned & Scott on Europe Bike Trip in Scotland - 1980
Coach Mader. Soccer 2000.
Willamette days
Stop along the high school graduation celebration tour
Go Haverford
Willamette Years: GLEE
Willamette Years: Oregon Coast
Willamette Years: w/ Herb
Willamette Years: Soccer in Costume
Willamette Years: loved Soccer!
Willamette Years: Beggar's Opera w/ Mark and John
Willamette Years: Beggar's Opera w/ Mark and John
Willamette Years: More soccer!
Willamette Years: Herb: Here's to the SDC! Meeting at 9:00. Be there or be....
Willamette Years: Scott & Brad!
Willamette Years: Clowning around, for a change!
Willamette Years: Graduation, May 1977: Herb, Mary, Scott
Willamette Years: SDC SAE Bros, Graduation, May 1977
Willamette Years
Ned & Scotty - Thanksgiving 1977
Driving the Combine out at Mader Farms... A Favorite pass time..
Scott and Maureen, annual Pinochle Christmas dinner, 2011
Scott and Maureen, annual Pinochle Christmas dinner, 2011
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