Ever the optimist

Created by markweierich 11 years ago
Two words come first to mind when I think about Scott Mader; optimism and compassion. Scott was one of the most optimistic people I know. He always saw the positive, whether it was his own situation or someone else's. I've literally never heard him say a negative thing about..…. anything! And he was compassionate. He cared deeply about others and was always the first to ask about you, how you are doing, how your kids are doing, what's new with you. Scott was also the one who organized "Boys Night Out" to celebrate various birthdays in the neighborhood. Getting ten or fifteen of us together at San Blas or Little Cooperstown for a beer and a bite under the guise of someone being another year older. You can guarantee that we will be tipping our glass to you every time we get together Scott! We miss you already.